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Best Shoulder Stretches For Your Flexibility

Looking to become more flexible and relieve pain in your shoulder? Natasha Joel‘s video guide is here for you. Check it out. You can also explore Natasha’s YouTube channel for more content. 

Hit the Pigeon Grip with Natasha Noel

The pigeon grip is arguably one of the hardest Yoga moves to pull off. But Natasha Noel makes it easy as cake in this video. Check it out. You can also explore Natasha’s YouTube channel for more content. 

How to Hit a Great Backdbend by Natasha Noel

It’s the best guide to stay flexible, regardless of your background. Here is Natasha Noel‘s lesson on how to hit the perfect backbend. You can also explore Natasha’s YouTube channel for more content. 

Best Stretches for Soreness with Natasha Noel

Feeling sore after a workout? Or maybe you’ve burned way too many midnight candles. Whichever it is, Natasha Noel is here with some amazing exercises for you. You can also explore Natasha’s YouTube channel for more content.

Jeet Selal Shares The Best Quad Exercises

If you’re a gym bro, you know that skipping leg day is the worst thing you can do. But it’s almost as bad to spam poor exercises and focus only on the ones you like. In this video, Jeet Selal…

How to Build Abs Like Rohit Khatri

There are abs, and then there are six pack abs like Rohit Khatri‘s. If you want to build his kind of abs, there’s only one thing you need to do; watch this video, because he shares all his secrets. You…

Jeet Selal Ranks Shoulder Exercises

What shoulder exercises should you be doing to maximize your gains, and which ones should you ignore? Jeet Selal has the answers in this video. Watch it because he ranks the best to worst shoulder exercises to do. Check it…

Rohit Khatri Shares Bicep Mistakes

Looking to build massive biceps? Of course you are; everyone is. But the problem is that most people don’t know the first thing about building big arms, and they keep making the same mistakes over and over. In this video,…

Jeet Selal’s Morning Habits for Muscle Growth

People who are serious about bodybuilding know that you need to follow a structured plan to build the most muscle. But what you might not know is that morning habits are critical to muscle growth. In this video, Jeet Selal…