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Sahil Khan Talks Bodybuilding in India

Bodybuilders are often massive individuals with impressive physiques. But they can also be sensitive and in need of support. Which is why this video is somewhat sad because Sahil Khan talks about why most people don’t support bodybuilders in India.…

Natural Female Bodybuilder Shares Her Story

Yes, that’s right. There’s a natural female bodybuilder out there. In fact, there are several. In this video, Jeet Selal has a chat with a truly inspiring woman who’s built an incredible physique naturally! What does she have to say?…

Jeet Selal Shares How Not to Take Creatine

If you love going to the gym and building muscle, the chances are that you’ve tried creatine supplements. You probably even have a tub in your gym bag that’s ready to go. But you might have been taking creatine all…

Jeet Selal Shares the Worst Things You Can Do Before Bed

Do you have trouble falling asleep and or building muscle? well, the chances are that you’re practicing some bad habits that keep you awake through the night and slow down your muscle repair. Luckily, you’ve found this video because fitness…