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Rohit Khatri’s Full Week Workout Plan

Prepare to discover how an elite bodybuilder works out in this video because you’ll be shadowing Rohit Khatri through a full week of workouts. Discover everything he does to maintain his physique in this video. You should also explore his…

A Day in Rohit Khatri’s Life in Dubai

Check out what Rohit Khatri gets up to in a day while he’s in Dubai. You’d be surprised at some of the adventures he has. Check it all out here. You should also explore his YouTube channel for more content

Rohit Khatri’s Shirtless in Public Prank

Rohit Khatri has an epic physique, and that’s what makes this shirtless in public prank so entertaining to watch. What happens when an elite bodybuilder takes off his clothes at the beach? This video answers that question. You should also…

Rohit Khatri Visits Biggest Gym in the World

How large do you think the world’s biggest gym is? And how much equipment do you think it has? Well, whatever your expectations are, we guarantee you’re about to be mind blown by Rohit Khatri‘s visit. Check it out. You…

Rohit Khatri Visits Wooden Gym

Check out Rohit Khatri‘s first visit to the world’s 1st full wooden gym and join him in his incredibly unique workout. You should also explore his YouTube channel for more content.

Guru Mann’s 3300 Calories Diet Plan for Bulking

If you’re trying to bulk up and become jacked like Guru Mann, this video may be for you. He talks about the best diet to consume if you’re looking to bulk up and build muscle. Check it out. You should…

Top Omega 3 Sources for Nutrition – Guru Mann

Guru Mann, in this video, reviews the top sources of Omega 3, whether that’s walnuts or fish oil. He also goes over the right and wrong ways to access your nutrition. Check it out. You should also explore his YouTube…

Creating Multiple Streams of Income – Guru Mann

In this video, Guru Mann explains why it’s important to have multiple streams of income, as well as how you can get started creating them in your life. Check it out. You should also explore his YouTube channel for more…

Guru Mann’s 1700 Calorie Weight Loss Plan

Dieting is one of the hardest things you’ll have to do while chasing your fitness goals. In this video, Guru Mann shares his plan for how to build and stick to a 1700 calorie plan. Check it out. You should…

Balancing Workout and Study

If you’re trying to get bigger and improve your physique, you’ll quickly find that there aren’t enough hours in the day to do many other things as well. In this video, Guru Mann shares his tips for how to study,…