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Rohit Khatri’s NPC North India Show

Watch one of India’s most successful bodybuilders and influencers, Rohit Khatri, step on stage at the NPC North India show. If you’re looking for inspiration for your dream physique or just eager to watch a masterwork, this is the video…

Adil Khan Checks out The Fastest Roller Coasters

Can’t make it to Abu Dhabi? Don’t worry. Watch this video for the next best thing – front row seats on some of the world’s fastest rides with Adil Khan. Check it out. You should also explore his YouTube channel…

Different Types of Online Shoppers with Jordin Dian

When you hit the grocery shop to grab your favorite pre-workout, you’re bound to find these types of shoppers. Watch Jordin Dian break it down for us. You can also explore Jordin’s YouTube channel for more content.

Jordin Dian’s Funny Work from Home Skit

Here’s another epic comic relief skit from the entertaining Jordin Dian. If you work from home, you know everything about the expectations vs reality of the setup. So let’s laugh about it. You can also explore Jordin’s YouTube channel for…

Rohit Khatri Shares Habits Killing Your Gains

If you’re trying to build muscle, it only makes sense to do everything you can to ensure success. That includes working out, taking the right supplements, and of course, avoiding bad habits. In this video, Rohit Khatri shares the habits…

You Laugh You Lose by Jordin Dian

Take a break from the workout videos and enjoy this “You laugh you lose” challenge by influencer Jordin Dian. You can also explore Jordin’s YouTube channel for more content.